What happens when you invite a group of international jugglers into the 5 star Sule Shangri La hotel for Sunday brunch? Plenty of action and entertainment, that’s for sure. It started in the lobby, moved into the cafe, then there was a parade through the hotel to a special show for the kids.
Lee Hayes has just enough height in the lobby. Photographer Alice Vernat.
Not a normal day in the hotel lobby. Photographer: Jeanne Hallacy
Haggis McLeod takes a turn around the forecourt. Photographer: Jeanne Hallacy
Jake Goode adds a new dimension to the brunch dispaly. Photographer: Jeanne Hallacy
Club balancing in the cafe. Photographer: Jeanne Hallacy
Melissa Marie and the cafe chefs. Photographer: Jeanne Hallacy
Nat Brown and girls head off for the show. Photographer Alice Vernat.
How many spinning plates can one girl hold? Photographer Alice Vernat
Jo & Jake from Other Half Productions. Photographer Alice Vernat.
Captain Finhead balances the knives. Kids, please don’t try this at home. Photographer: Richard Gillett
Venus, Goddess of the Diabolo, defies gravity. Photographer: Alice Vernat
Ben Zudd adds some magic to the mix. Photographer: Alice Vernat
Performers outside Sule Shangri La Hotel. Photographer: Jeanne Hallacy