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Social Circus Yangon 2015-16
Following on from the success of the 1st International Juggling Festival we realsied that we had 80 – 100 young people who had loved and learned the basic circus skills and so we returned to help them grow and develop their abilities from Dec 2015 to March 2016. We re-engaged with them and delivered workshops and training, got a few of them to perform in Shows and do workshops for other kids and made the second Day of Fun where they all met each other, shared and showed what they could do.
The 1st International Juggling Festival Yangon 2014-15
Serious Fun conceived and created the 1st International Juggling Festival Yangon from Nov 2014 to March 2015. 3 months of social circus workshops with children and young adults culminated in a week of Workshops and Shows delivered by 14 visiting International Artists and involving all the young people we worked with leading up to the week-long Festival.