Training of Trainers led by Thomas Hinz, May 2015.
A week of teacher training in adaptive circus, lead by Thomas Hinz from Circability in New Zealand, has led to the exciting formation of circus4all Yangon. As part of the training, organised by Serious Fun in May 2015, participants created a show and loved it so much they decided to do more.
Fire Show at Mahabdoola Park, downtown Yangon
facing City Hall on the last day of the 1st Yangon International Juggling Festival.
We got the authorities to open up and move back the barbed-wire barriers so that more Burmese people could see the show.
Some images of the Day of Fun at Kandawgyi Park – open to everyone
involving then young people we have worked with since November 2014. Juggling Games, Fun, Poetry and Shows for international artists and shows from the young people we have trained to juggle and play.
MCs Thura Thein & Jo Ker from Omega Mime
The Big Show at Kandawgyi Park
Haggis McLeod
MCs Thura Thein & Jo Ker from Omega Mime
Technical briefing before the show
Myo Win and the girls from Smile
Poe Poe & Mon Kyi from Smile Foundation
Getting the stage ready
Pratana and team from Balloonity preparing for the show.
MNTV crew at work
Global Harmonies on stage.
The young jugglers from Thanlyin Boys Training Center enjoyed the show
Jo Ker, Ta Ta Cho, Biz, Jules and Thura
Thanks Dreamboat for the sound and lighting gear.
Red Nose Foundation from Jakarta
Venus, Goddess of the Diablo
Captain Finhead
Great show folks
The girls from Phare Ponleu Selpak, Battambang, Cambodia
Natalie Brown creates a balloon party outfit
Two for Tea
Nomadic Flame
Mike Twist
Edu Martinez
International Jugglers training and having Fun
Maike and knives
Haggis & Jo
Jo lakeside at Sein Lan So Pyay
Mike and Maike
Kaupo and Maarja
Entertainment at the Sule Shangri-la Hotel – one of our main sponsors
Club balancing in the cafe. Photographer: Jeanne Hallacy
Melissa Marie and the cafe chefs. Photographer: Jeanne Hallacy
Not a normal day in the hotel lobby. Photographer: Jeanne Hallacy
Performers outside Sule Shangri La Hotel. Photographer: Jeanne Hallacy
Jo & Jake from Other Half Productions. Photographer Alice Vernat.
Nat Brown and girls head off for the show. Photographer Alice Vernat.
Lee Hayes has just enough height in the lobby. Photographer Alice Vernat.
Jake Goode adds a new dimension to the brunch dispaly. Photographer: Jeanne Hallacy
Haggis McLeod takes a turn around the forecourt. Photographer: Jeanne Hallacy
Captain Finhead balances the knives. Kids, please don’t try this at home. Photographer: Richard Gillett
How many spinning plates can one girl hold? Photographer Alice Vernat
Ben Zudd adds some magic to the mix. Photographer: Alice Vernat
Venus, Goddess of the Diabolo, defies gravity. Photographer: Alice Vernat
Jugglers training and sharing skills and playing at the Juggling Festival
Dawn juggling action. Photo by Yannick Jooris
Mahabandoola Park. Photo by Yannick Jooris
Pansodan Scene breakfast. Photo by Yannick Jooris
Jude & Kevin at the opening ceremony. Photo by Yannick Jooris
Playing with fire, Inya Lake style.
Photos by Yannick Jooris
Big thank you to the European juggling companies who donated props for the children’s workshops in Burma. Photo by Yannick Jooris
The festival poster on the Yoma fleet bus attracted a bit of a attention. Photo Yannick Jooris
Diablo master class from Maike. Photo by Yannick Jooris
Richard balances one of the umbrellas from Ooredoo, who also gave jugglers sim cards and topups. Photo Jude Smith
50th Street Bar – A Night at the Circus
The final bow from our performers. Photograph by Richard Gillett.
Kama from Estonia. Photograph by Yannick Jooris
Two for Tea, performed by Other Half Productions, London. Photograph by Yannick Jooris
MiMi from Japan dancing with an artfully balanced sword. Photograph by Jeanne Hallacy.
Master of Ceremonies, Mr Jules from Wales. Photograph by Yannick Jooris
Behind the light balls, the skill of Edu Martinez, Spain. Photograph by Yannick Jooris
Melissa Marie, aka Nomadic Flame, from above. Photograph by Jeanne Hallacy.
FIre show outside 50th Street. Photograph by Richard Gillett
FIre show outside 50th Street. Photograph by Richard Gillett
Alberto juggling fire outside 50th Street. Photograph by Richard Gillett
The Great Britain Day Out at the British Ambassador’s Residence 6th December 2014
At the Great Britain Day Out
International Jugglers show and workshop at the Eden Centre
Play at the YMCA with families and children during the Juggling Festival
Some photos of our Social Circus training from Nov 2014-Feb 2015. We work with underprivileged young people and young adults