A day of global celebration When the call went out to celebrate social circus around the world with the 2nd annual International Social Circus Day, the team in Yangon responded with a pop-up public workshop in Mahabandoola Gardens right in…
A Workshop Experience
Photographer and guest blogger Jeanne Hallacy joins a workshop with the Scholarships 4 Street Kids social circus team in Perle, Mingaladon. (Sunday 8th Jan 2017) ABOUT THE CENTRE The Yedana Foster Home located on the far outskirts of Yangon in Mingaladon district is…
Serious FUNdraising for Social Circus Myanmar
FUNdraising through crowdfunding Our fundraising for the Social Circus Myanmar project has received support from people around the world who are backing our prgramme of workshops with at-risk and vulnerable young people in Myanmar (Burma). Our startsomegood.com crowdfunding has just finished with 75 supporters…
The S4SK Social Circus Kids
Social Circus Myanmar Teams The second profile on our social circus teams in Myanmar focuses on the Scholarships for Street Kids team, a group of children who usually don’t have much chance to learn or have fun. They’re aged between 8-16 and do not go…
Georgia – A Ground-breaking Festival
Georgia, 1991 These two short videos show some of the juggling action. Were you there or do you recognise someone who was? Leave a comment below. It’s 25 years since a plane-load of western jugglers arrived in Tbilisi, capital of…
Social Circus Weekend
Celebrating Social Circus in Yangon When the international call went out back in January to help create a chain of global events to mark the first ever International Social Circus Day on April 2, there was no hesitation from…
Day of Fun 2016
Dozens of children and young people joined in the Day of Fun last Saturday, coming from different parts of the city with one common purpose. They juggled, played and had fun together, highlighting their achievements and celebrating the power of…
The Thanlyin circus team
This is the first of a series of posts about the circus teams that Serious Fun is working with in Yangon. Let’s start with the boys from Thanlyin. Serious Fun trainer Jules Howarth is teaching 25 boys in the circus…
Social Circus Yangon
Our project in Myanmar We’ve just launched a campaign in support of our Social Circus project in Yangon 2015-2016, with Serious Fun trainer Jules Howarth back in Myanmar to take the circus teams there to the next level. Jules has…
circus4all launched in Yangon
A week of teacher training in adaptive circus, lead by Thomas Hinz from Circability in New Zealand, has led to the exciting formation of circus4all Yangon. As part of the training, organised by Serious Fun in May, participants created a…