Activity for Social Circus in Yangon has moved to
Social Circus Myanmar
to continue the project led under the new name.

Here’s the Archive of the Social Circus Yangon project.

The Dry Season project 2016-17 ended on March 19th 2017 after some 4 months engagement with 100-120 young people over 55 workshops and several wider workshops – at Big Britain Day Out, Francophile, 8 workshops for the Mingalabar Festival – and workshops with Indonesian International School, Yangon Cubs & Scouts, Thabay College – and our Day of Fun. Thank to our Crowdfunders and Myanmar supporters, sponsors.


 International Social Circus Day on 1st April

ASCA- International Social Circus Day 2017

International Social Circus Day 1st April.

The team in Yangon joined a wave of events around the world to mark International Social Circus Day with a free public workshop in Mahabandoola Gardens. See our latest post for photos and more about this global celebration of the joy and transformation of social circus.



Social Circus Myanmar’s 3rd annual Day of Fun took place on 18 February 2017 in Yangon.  

Social circus teams from across the city came together for workshops, play and presentations in the garden of the British Ambassador’s Residence Garden.

Huge thanks to the British Ambassador and Embassy and Sponsors providing drinks, food and transport for the social circus groups.

Social Circus Myanmar has joined the Asian Social Circus AssociationASCA-Asian Social Circus Association

We need a wide network of friends, supporters and new contacts in order to achieve our goals. We are seeking sponsors, donations and funding in Myanmar and internationally. Our Crowdfunding Campaign received awesome support from people around the world. It’s finished now but you can still make a donation here

Visit and like us on facebook and send us ideas and comments. Share the news and share in helping something wonderful to happen. 

Find out about our plans on the Social Circus Myanmar page.

What Is Social Circus? – find out more information here.

Join our Mailing List so we can keep you updated.

Find out about our Community Partners

Thanlyin Boy’s Training Centre
Scholarships For Street Kids, Mingaladon
Eden Centre for Disabled Children, Insein
Htaw Mae Phar Hostel, Insein
Helping Hands, Yangon
Mary Chapman School for Deaf people, Yangon


A reminder of 2016 highlights

Day of Fun 2016. Saturday Feb 13th

On the historical Children’s Day of Myanmar we brought together all our groups of young people together for a Day of Fun – meeting each other, sharing skills and making friends. The British Council Myanmar supported the event and we had sponsorship of a delicious lunch provided by City Mart. We hosted 76 kids and young adults, plus their parents, teachers and guests, for a celebration of what they are learning and developing in their separate groups. It was a joy to bring the groups together for this day of Fun and Play, not only showing everyone what they have achieved so far, but also building momentum for an ongoing social circus project in Myanmar.


Thanks to all the
Juggling Shops and Manufacturers
who gave us equipment in 2014-15.
The props are still being used!

Juggling Festival Opening Day Workshop

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Crowdfunding Success

Thanks to everyone who supported our crowdfunding campaigns StartSomeGood 2015-2016 and StartSomeGood 2016-2017.  You not only encourage the team in Yangon, you make it happen!

Roll of Honour 2015-2016            Roll of Honour 2016-2017



Our facebook feed

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News & Posts

  • International Social Circus Day 2017 April 8, 2017
    A day of global celebration When the call went out to celebrate social circus around the world with the 2nd annual International Social Circus Day, the team in Yangon responded with a pop-up public workshop in Mahabandoola Gardens right in the centre of downtown. Social Circus Myanmar was one of 44 organisations taking part in a wave ...
  • A Workshop Experience January 9, 2017A Workshop Experience
    Photographer and guest blogger Jeanne Hallacy joins a workshop with the Scholarships 4 Street Kids social circus team in Perle, Mingaladon. (Sunday 8th Jan 2017) ABOUT THE CENTRE  The Yedana Foster Home located on the far outskirts of Yangon in Mingaladon district is a local organization working in partnership with the government Ministry of Social Welfare. The center houses 33 youth, many of ...
  • Sold! Stanley Donwood giant Glastonbury wristband. Thank you! December 24, 2016Sold! Stanley Donwood giant Glastonbury wristband. Thank you!
    Sold! Thank you! Stanley Donwood is well known as the artist responsible for every Radiohead album since 1995 and has created artwork for Glastonbury Festival since 2002. Also known as the “giant wristband”, this tapestry was one of only two created using the same needle printer as the coveted festival wristbands. Signed by Stanley and Michael ...
  • Serious FUNdraising for Social Circus Myanmar December 3, 2016Serious FUNdraising for Social Circus Myanmar
    FUNdraising through crowdfunding Our fundraising for the Social Circus Myanmar project has received support from people around the world who are backing our prgramme of workshops with at-risk and vulnerable young people in Myanmar (Burma). Our crowdfunding has just finished with 75 supporters pledging $3416 for our third dry season programme in Yangon. Thanks for being part of the fun ...
  • Social Circus Myanmar November 1, 2016Social Circus Myanmar
      We have launched our new Crowdfunding Campaign to support Social Circus Myanmar in the dry-season project Nov 2016 – March 2017. You can help us achieve our goals with even a small donation. And just as importantly let more people know what we are doing! Spread the word and spread the serious Fun. Thanks!  
  • The S4SK Social Circus Kids October 18, 2016The S4SK Social Circus Kids
    Social Circus Myanmar Teams The second profile on our social circus teams in Myanmar focuses on the Scholarships for Street Kids team, a group of children who usually don’t have much chance to learn or have fun. They’re aged between 8-16 and do not go to school; instead they work for around $2 per day to help support their families. Scholarships for Street Kids (S4SK) ...
  • Georgia – A Ground-breaking Festival August 27, 2016
    Georgia, 1991 These two short videos show some of the juggling action.  Were you there or do you recognise someone who was? Leave a comment below. It’s 25 years since a plane-load of western jugglers arrived in Tbilisi, capital of the newly-independent Republic of Georgia, for a juggling festival with the Georgian circus. The circus needed help ...
  • Social Circus Weekend April 6, 2016Social Circus Weekend
    Celebrating Social Circus in Yangon   When the international call went out back in January to help create a chain of global events to mark the first ever International Social Circus Day on April 2, there was no hesitation from Serious Fun Yangon coordinator Virginia Henderson. Virginia knew the social circus teams would be keen, fresh from a ...
  • Social Circus Weekend info and flyer March 29, 2016Social Circus Weekend info and flyer
    Social Circus Weekend April 2nd-3rd Free circus skills workshops and a photo exhibit at The Yangon Gallery, People’s Park, to celebrate the first ever International Social Circus Day.  Join in with events happening around the world to celebrate the art and joy of social circus.  Come and meet the social circus teams and learn some new skills. ...
  • Day of Fun 2016 February 18, 2016Day of Fun 2016
    Dozens of children and young people joined in the Day of Fun last Saturday, coming from different parts of the city with one common purpose. They juggled, played and had fun together, highlighting their achievements and celebrating the power of circus to postively impact on their lives. A highlight of the 2015-2016 Social Circus Yangon project, ...


Smile Education & Development Foundation


Our project in Yangon, Myanmar is in Partnership

with Smile Education and Development Foundation

Inspiring Change through Circus Skills in Myanmar 2016-17

young girl with plate S4SK Wave from young man from Eden Centre for Disabled Children toss-up Day of Fun 2016 Thanlyin boys ready for action.

Social Circus Myanmar is a project to develop social circus in Myanmar. We believe that Social Circus is a useful tool for engaging with children and young adults to support development of their their personal skills, empower them to participate fully in civil society and to spread an agenda of sharing, tolerance, diversity and love through the use of Play and Fun.

Our Values are  Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility, Gender Equality, Sharing, Learning through Play and Fun and Creativity.

The goal of this project is to build a framework for a locally-led social circus network in Myanmar which nurtures and empowers disadvantaged children and young adults, and people living with disabilities. This project builds on the success of weekly circus skills workshops delivered by Serious Fun Committee volunteers in Yangon over several months during the dry seasons of 2014-15 and 2015-16. More than 250 young people have been trained in regular workshops delivered so far. The workshops and performances have also created substantial interest in social circus activities amongst civil society groups in Myanmar.


The aims of the Social Circus Myanmar project are to:

  • Deliver circus skills workshops to existing teams of young people from marginalised communities
  • Expand circus skills workshops to other participants and areas.
  • Provide tutor training for locally-based jugglers and circus artists so they are able to run regular workshops throughout the year.
  • Provide teaching materials, specialist trainers, equipment, monitoring and evaluation to support learning goals.
  • Develop the performance capacity of participants and tutors.
  • Develop funding streams locally and internationally
  • Develop a 5 year plan with Myanmar partners to establish a social circus network and training centre.
  • Partner with other creative, educational and civil society initiatives

2016-17 Dry Season Activities

Visiting Circus Skills specialist and Project Manager Jules Howarth returns to Yangon to resume regular workshops with our youth teams and to work with our Yangon coordinator Virginia Henderson, community partners and key supporters to develop a 5 year strategy for the Social Circus Myanmar project.  Jules has led the youth workshops in Yangon over the dry season period since 2014, using an international curriculum and best practice to track progress.  He’ll join with Yangon-based performers Julien Ariza and Tout Tout Kyaw who are providing regular training for more social circus activities, including Circus4All, a mixed (abled and disabled) troupe which evolved out of a Serious Fun training of trainers for people working with disabled children in 2015.

1. Workshops

Resume regular outreach workshops and training for approx. 80 young people for a 14 week programme.

  • Thanlyin Boys Training Centre, Department of Social Welfare (Thanlyin)
  • Taw Mae Phar hostel, Taung Thu Gone Karen Baptist Church (Insein)
  • Eden Centre for Disabled Children (Insein)
  • Scholarships for Street Kids, Myanmar programme (Mingaladon)
  • Circus4All team

Offer more workshops to

  • Helping Hands – young adults
  • Mary Chapman School for Deaf Children

Identify new outreach workshop opportunities
Run a weekly drop-in Workshop

2. Training Myanmar Tutors

  • Begin formal training for 2-4 Myanmar young adults as Circus Workshop Tutors.
  • Provide extra circus skills and circus safety training for them to accelerate their development.
  • Arrange Child protection, Civil Society, Gender Equality training for these Trainee Tutors

3. Equipment/resources

  • Produce hula hoops, juggling balls, flower sticks, stilts locally.
  • Bring in more international props to Myanmar.
  • Continue to translate circus training material and distribute.
  • Make DVDs of modern circus acts to inspire the young people.
  • Make a flyer/small booklet that explain in Myanmar languages what Social Circus is all about and distribute.

4. International Volunteer Trainers

  • Pilot international circus artist volunteers delivering specialist training.

5. Shows/presentations and PR

  • Produce a Day of Fun to bring all participants and friends and supporters together to showcase what we are doing and to promote the project.
  • Create a 20 minute show with 2 participants from each of the regular workshop teams and Circus4All. This Show can be used to promote the project. The performers deliver fundraising workshops, displays and stage shows.
  • Produce an event for International  Social Circus Day 2017

6. Project Development

  • Create  a local advisory group
  • Research options for a Myanmar-based legal identity – a not-for-profit local organisation.
  • Engage with potential partners and supporters over the concept of establishing a training centre
  • Seek sponsorship and identify potential funders


At the end of this year’s project we hope to have:

  • 2-4 Myanmar circus workshop tutors trained so they can continue working with young people year round.
  • Established a local advisory board
  • A regular weekly drop-in workshop space for informal and social circus training
  • Translated basic circus training manuals
  • Created a team of young performers who can deliver workshops and shows
  • To have made circus props locally so they can be produced locally
  • To have found regular funding from Myanmar companies and organisations
  • To have explained Social Circus and its benefits more clearly to a wider audience so that the long-term project can gain traction and get more people involved.

By the end of this 4-month programme we hope to have handed over delivery of the workshops and the project management to Myanmar people so that they can continue to deliver it to young Myanmar people. Or, at least we will have begun this process so that it comes to pass as resources and people become available.  We are building a framework but in the end, Social Circus in Myanmar is something that must be owned and run locally in Myanmar.

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To achieve these goals we are seeking sponsors, donations and funding.

US $





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Write a letter of support and send it to us here

Contact us here if you want to help.

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